Bloom, Galanter, Reeve: Embodies lives

In diesem Buch, das 2015 erschienen ist, reflektieren Bewegungskünstler (u.a. viele Lehrer der Schule der Bewegung), Performer, Therapeuten,  Architekten, Filmemacher… aus allen Ecken der Welt  über den Einfluss von Suprapto Suryodarmo und Amerta Movement auf ihr Leben und ihre Arbeit.


In this book, published in 2015, movement artists (including many teachers from the School of Movement), performers, therapists, architects, filmmakers... from all corners of the world reflect on the influence of Suprapto Suryodarmo and Amerta Movement on their lives and work.


Triarchy Press has published a series of books in movement, environment and somatics. please visit their website if you want to learn more..